Charles Gibb
32, Victoria Street
Gibb worked in the main Dundee shipyard, the Caledon, or Robb Caledons,
not sure which, till possibly the early 1930's then set himself up as
a cycle engineer in Victoria Street in opposition to the other cycle builder
in Dundee, D.W.Lindsay of Victoria Road, half a mile away.
He built a fair number of frames considering the fact that he was a one
man business. He had the reputation as a good wheelbuilder too, building
to order as most cycle firms did. I actually don't know when he started
business but may have started in a small way as a cycle repairer and built
up the business to involve cycle construction. Components such as tubing
and lugs were easily available through nationwide suppliers such as Brown
Brothers who had depots all over the country, probably in Dundee as well.
This frame dates from the late 1920's to early 1930's, no question, and
has been verified as coming from Charlie Gibbs' shop. That fact is certain.
Who actually constructed the frame, in an era when so many cycle agents
bought in frames and labelled them with their own brand as well as making
their own I can't say. I suspect that this frame of yours is one of these,
but it could just as easily be an early attempt at frame construction
by Gibb. The answer of course is that we won't know for certain but at
least can hang onto the fact that however it was made, it passed through
Gibbs hands.
Photographs courtesy of Walt Skrzypek & Notes
courtesy of Vic Polanski

Copyright © 1999-2003 R.Reid Last Updated
Thursday, 16-Oct-2003 16:51