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Recognising the many and various Scot features.


Apart from "how much is it worth" the most frequently asked questions on the website are "How old is my Flying Scot" ? and "How can I verify it is a Scot"

Identifying the exact age of any Scot frame or bicycle can at best be difficult and at worst, almost impossible. In the case of Scot's The original sales and build records were destroyed in the latter years of the company, and any system derived from remaining records and other Scot's can only ever be a guide to the year in which the frame is likely to have been built and sold. (If you don't think it's really that difficult- read this)

Verifying the original specification of a frame is often similarly difficult, particularly when alterations or modifications have been made since the machine was new. There are however a number of clear 'features' that in combination with the approximate age, can be used to verify a frames authenticity and when it was likely to have been built. These are offered as a guide in the following pages ;

Frame Numbers
Headtube Badges
Transfers (decals)
Frame Details

IMPORTANT These pages are only offered as a guide, produced by comparing all of the machines I've seen or examined so far, and from other available information. Rattray's was a true custom builder for themselves as a retailer and for other shops as a wholesaler. The length of time that the company existed, the number of frames they produced, and the many variations, means that it is unlikely to ever be definitive.

That said, the likelihood of a frame only complying with one of the features is slim. Too many "not on this frame it's not" findings, would lead you to the assumption that a frame or bicycle may well not be a "Scot".

If you are still unsure, please get in touch using the contact button, and I'll try to help.

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'The Flying Scot' website Copyright © 2011 Bob Reid - Last Updated 20 July, 2011 9:41hrs
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